A stunning variety that produces masses of large white bracts in June that become speckled in light pink with age. Vibrant mid green foliage turns purple red in autumn.

Cornus kousa and its cultivars give a stunning display of flowers in late Spring often followed later by spectacular autumn foliage colour. In time they make a large deciduous shrub or small tree of graceful habit, perfect for the smaller garden. The flowers consist of four petal-like bracts with a central round boss and, as the plant matures, these are produced in great abundance especially if the previous summer has been warm and sunny. They are suitable for many planting schemes including Japanese gardens, minimalist contemporary, mixed shrub borders as well as prairie plantings, ideal for specimen planting as a focal point in a garden for long season of interest. 


A sunny position in the shelter of other trees and shrubs is best, avoiding very hot dry sites. They will grow happily in semi shade but their flower production and colour will not be as intense.

Give them a moist, free-draining neutral to acid soil with plenty of depth and organic matter. They will tolerate slightly alkaline soils but only if the soil is deep with plenty of organic matter added.

Available for delivery in the following locations:

United Kingdom (England, Wales, Mainland Scotland, Scottish Islands, Scottish Highlands, Isle of Wight, Northern Ireland, Isles of Scilly)